Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Education Censored Is Opportunity Lost

My ignorance about systemic racism has been profound. George Floyd’s murder forced me, forced many of us, literally, painfully, to look and delve into what history books have skirted or left unsaid. 


I grew up in the 50’s and 60’s, a white child raised in a comfortable cocoon. The harsh realities of discrimination were distant… or, in some cases, close to home. Many fathers of my generation served in World War II and benefited from the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944, or the G.I. Bill. It provided a means for veterans to receive low-cost mortgages and loans toward tuition and businesses. The act gave those who had served and sacrificed to save the world from fascism (yes, they were antifa) a foundation for achievement upon which succeeding generations could build. 


Returning Black veterans did not receive those benefits. Did you know this? I did not.


The platforms of the major political parties have essentially reversed, and in the forties, it was the Republican party that supported Civil Rights while the Southern Democrats sought to undercut or diminish the impact of those efforts. While the intent of the G.I. Bill was to serve all veterans, the Democrats successfully pushed for state control over benefit allocation. In the Jim Crow South, local banks and agencies refused to extend loans to veterans of color, and colleges and universities would not admit them. In essence, the bill heightened racial disparity; in a cruel game of Chutes and Ladders, white soldiers climbed the ladder offered, while blacks were shuttled toward the chute.


Property ownership and education set the roots for advancement, security, and respect that was largely denied people of color. The practice of redlining excluded them from desirable neighborhoods and better schools. Voting restrictions prevented fair representation. Finally, the injustice and violence of discrimination received widespread scrutiny when the public at large became witness through photography and TV coverage.


Like Darnella Frazier’s cell phone video of George Floyd’s murder, TV coverage in 1965 forced public knowledge of the “Bloody Sunday” assault on peaceful protesters at the Edmund Pettus Bridge near Selma, AL. The ensuing outcry led President Lyndon B. Johnson to promote the Voting Rights Act of 1965. One wishes the horrific image of young Emmett Till’s maimed face would force passage of an anti-lynching bill, but shamefully, as recently as 2020, that has stalled. 


In the past nine years, lawsuits and Supreme Court rulings have weakened the Voting Rights Act’s protections, enabling 20 states to pass significant restrictions. On this Martin Luther King Day of 2022, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, too, may fail to pass. At a rally in Phoenix, AZ on Saturday, Martin Luther King III said of 13-year-old Yolanda Renee King, “Our daughter has less rights around voting than she had when she was born.” 


Since last year, in my town of Easton and around the country, indignant denials of systemic racism have rung forth, signs proclaiming “MLK yes, CRT no” blossoming like lilies in a funeral parlor. Enigmatic by design, the message seems a no-brainer: if Doctor King gets a thumbs up, surely the CRT no-vote must make sense…? 


Dr. King earned his place in that pithy sign-byte with the quote, “I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.” Critical Race Theory opponents seek to portray this statement as King’s wish for color-blindness rather than his dream of America’s evolution toward the equality and freedoms guaranteed to all, regardless of color, in our founding documents. 


America is the Declaration of Independence, D-Day, the League of Nations, and the moon landing. We are also slavery, Jim Crow laws, gerrymandering, redlining, and voter suppression. 

As surely as manacles bound the enslaved, education censored limits the country’s aspirations. A conscience informed through education is the prod and path forward for individuals and a nation. We must grant our young people that breadth of knowledge and trust they use it well.   






Gail said...

Very good, Lea. Yes, I did know that about the way the GI Bill was not evenly dispersed because of a book I read a few years ago that I highly recommend. WAKING UP WHITE by Debby Irving. She, like you and I, grew up in an affluent suburb (her father a recipient of the GI Bill's advantages).

She wrote this: "Waking Up White is the book I wish someone had handed me decades ago. My hope is that by sharing my sometimes cringe-worthy struggle to understand racism and racial tensions, I offer a fresh perspective on bias, stereotypes, manners, and tolerance. As I unpack my own long-held beliefs about colorblindness, being a good person, and wanting to help people of color, I reveal how each of these well-intentioned mindsets actually perpetuated my ill-conceived ideas about race."

There are lot of good "thought questions" I would love to converse with you over if you get a chance to read it.

Laurie Stone said...

I also thought those signs around town deliberately misleading. Surely, MLK must be what to vote for if anti-racist! It confused and muddied the issue. The real MLK would be rolling in his grave if he knew his name had been appropriated for the opposite of what he stood for. It makes my blood boil. And we're not alone in Easton, it's happening everywhere.

Lea said...

Gail, I have read "Waking Up White" and learned some of the eye-opening facts I mentioned in the post from that book. I did a lot of Google searches while preparing it to make sure some of Irving's hard-to-believe, wish-it-weren't-true examples of discrimination were accurate. They are. My ignorance has been a shock.

And Laurie, at the rally on Saturday, Martin Luther King III said exactly what you did - that his parents would be rolling in their graves over what is happening. How the Senate - ALL Republicans and 2 Democrats - could vote against the Voting Rights Act is dangerous and shameful. It is alarming to think of the possible ramifications.